Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Chapter 6: Brunswick, Alleghenies

Last Saturday

After the tasty fancy bread breakfast with Ian and Mel, I got going again and decided to drive around Brunswick on my way to New York. Turns out there are some really nifty buildings!

That being done, I got through Cleveland and back onto I-90 toward Erie. 

As I drove through the corner of Pennsylvania, the sky went from overcast:

. . . to slightly foreboding: 

 . . . to fantastically dark and ominous:

And then the skies opened up. 

It was fantastic. Not downpour-y enough to be hard to drive through, just enough that the mountains and trees got blurrier the farther away they were, and the fog was sending tendrils through the valleys between. 

It was fun getting lost in that weather, although "lost" isn't really the right word since it was just a straight shot down I-90 to I-86. It occurred to me that something about that landscape was very familiar, and reminded me of driving the California coast in late fall. Which was weird, because you'd think that there shouldn't be much similar about the Redwood Forests and the Alleghenies. 

Oh and then there was a casino right in the middle of nowhere. So that was cool.

It surprised me, so I didn't get a good picture, but it was this HUGE building, very block-shaped, which seemed incredibly wrong for the landscape, given the mist-ical (haha) atmosphere. 

Eventually the clouds started to clear up.

And from there it was clear skies to Ithaca! 

Which I will post about in a few hours. I'm leaving Augusta, ME for Lincoln, ME, which is only a two-hour drive (IMAGINE THAT) so by late afternoon I should be settled! 

And just a quick reminder, sometime today or tomorrow this blog will be moving to a new URL. Same blog, still me, just a different thing to plug into your bookmarks bar  :)

From Augusta, ME . . . 

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